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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.


DECODR Development

Posted by on in Software
Hits: 1258

SEaPT v0.3

Posted by on in SEaPT

After feedback from DMW's first look at SEaPT, the file selection and loading routine was modified. Instead of opening a single file selection dialog, the entire csv dir is viewable, listing all sta.csvs in a scrollable listbox. Single-click the sta.csv to edit, select the desired columns, then press [Display Sel Cols]. To view the entire sta.csv, there is a [Display All Cols] button as well.
As per DMW's suggestion, Cruise, Ord_Occ, Niskin, Sample, and Depth are pre-selected by default but can be unselected if desired.

Hits: 1936

SEaPT v0.2

Posted by on in SEaPT

Fix: original sta.csv array stored in memory is updated to new values when [Save Edits] is pressed. So the onscreen values refresh to match the new file values.

Hits: 1358

SEaPT: Sta.csv Editor development begins

Posted by on in SEaPT

CSVEditor renamed to SEaPT (Sta.csv Editor and Plotting Tool) development begins. First, the sta.csv editor will be designed and allow easier sta.csv editing. Selecting specific columns (but loading the entire array).
Q:\DECODR\SEaptB1.exe is available.
First beta of the sta.csv editor compiled. I am still working on fine-tuning it and adding features but I would like you to give it a try. Like DECODR, seaptB1.exe will make a backup of the original in the bak dir if you Save.

Some info:
1). the csv editor is not part of DECODR obviously so it can be used side-by-side with DECODR.

2). Right now it is a basic editor so any field on the screen can be edited by single-clicking the field, backspace or mousing over the value and replaced/edited. These changes do not stick unless you click the Save button.

3). The first screen that appears is the basic menu - reads the decodr.cfg and loads the same cruise & datapaths as DECODR. But you can navigate to any csv dir, just be sure it has a bak subdir.

4). You can select as many or few columns as you want then click Disply Sel Cols. Or you can jump right in and click Display All Cols.

5). If you double-click any cell in a datacode column, the datacode dialog will appear. Right now only O2 (ODC) datacodes are linked ie if you change ODC then OxSDC & OuMDC will change too. I need some clarification on what others may need to be linked. If you single-click the datacode, you can key-enter a single edit.

6). If saved, the new file should be properly column-formatted for 89 column sta.csvs (all post 1210 cruises).

7). Since csv editor uses decodr.cfg, I disabled csveditor's own cfg. We can decide if this is not flexible enough and I can reinstate it.

8). You can leave seapt.exe in the DECODR dir or move it into its own dir. It relies on C:\decodr\decodr.cfg for default datapaths but can open any sta.csv anywhere (it will change the datapath accordingly so it will break the bak feature if that subdir is not available).

To add:

The casts.csv editor is not working yet but will be simple.

Plotting features - some gTool capabilities will be added so we can customize the capabilities without Grant.

Hits: 1076

DECODR 1405 fixes: Julian Day "000" format; flushing prodo array

Posted by on in DECODR
Two fixes:
Julian Day less than 100 was only one or two char - now padded to three "001 - 099"

Prodo array values were carrying over from one station to the next since the array holding those values was not reset - fixed.
Hits: 1140
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