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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.


DECODR v1409

Posted by on in Software

DECODR's database csv creator was not including stations north of line 77 (CalCOFI 1304). A looping correction was made and DECODR1409 will work properly.

Hits: 4657

SEapt v0.5

Posted by on in SEaPT

1). added csv filters under the file selection box in the Column Selector form. This allows the user to toggle between sta.csv, sta.tcsv or all csv files without going back to the Main Menu.
2). When changing the drive and navigating to a new dir, the file list will change.
3). In either All Columns or Selected Column editors, clicking on the first cell will highlight the entire row.

Hits: 1394

CELogGPS v1407 Displays MET TSG-T & S

Posted by on in Software

At the request of Fisheries CUFES personnel, CalCOFI Cruise Event Log, CELogGPS, now displays and saves MET TSG temperature and salinity. On RV New Horizon, CELogGPS uses the MET string for GPS date/time lat-lon. Since it is already parsing the MET string, two additional fields are now displayed on-screen. A check-box option to save these values automatically to the events comments field is also available. Primary purpose of displaying these values is for manual key-entry transcription into the CUFES database.

Hits: 989

DECODR MDL & Decimal Accuracy

Posted by on in DECODR

DECODR importing of Nutrient data from QuAAtro files follow the decimal accuracy of the reports. Since nitrate can be detected but if below 0.05 reported as 0.0. The module was changed to store nitrate in the sta.csvs as 0.00 to improve pointing checking. A bug in the MDL routine was fixed, correcting the test for agreement with minimum detection limits and flagging the datacode accordingly.

New Nutrient Data Codes (NDC; column 32 in sta.csvs): "P", "S", "O", "T" will zero PO4, Sil, NO2, NO3 respectively. Other numeric datacodes (0, 4, 9) still apply. These datacodes only affect the data products such as IEH, Data Reports, & database csv.

Nutrient formatting in sta.csvs:

HoldNO2$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 21)), "0.000")
HoldNO3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 25)), "0.0") >>>HoldNO3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 25)), "0.00")
HoldPO4$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 22)), "0.00")
HoldSil$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 23)), "0.00")
HoldNH3$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 24)), "0.00")
HoldNP$(i, J) = Format(Val(HoldNutData$(i, J, 26)), "0.00")


Hits: 1217

SEaPT v0.4

Posted by on in SEaPT
New version of the sta editor v.0.4 is available on Q:\DECODR.
New features: the first dialog box has ".csv" &/or "t.csv" checkboxes, you can select one, both, or none. If you select none, all the files in the directory will appear. The other options are simply one or both types of csvs will display in the file selection window.
Also there is a "Main Menu" button so you can restart - choose a different cruise or drive - without having to exit.
Tagged in: SEaPT Software
Hits: 1491
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