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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.


Ship Codes Update in DECODR

Posted by on in DECODR

Ship codes for RV Sally Ride - SR - and RV Reuben Lasker - RL - are now properly outputted to data products of DECODR.

Hits: 875


Posted by on in Software

ISLs values bottles were not being calculated using DECODR1611 after a conditional was changed from "recind = 3" to "recind < 6". So the original conditional "=3" was reinstated until the logic can be worked out. The "<6" conditional was used on 1511 for extra stations without bottles.

Hits: 718


Posted by on in Software

Added a event log UTC to PST utility - CalCOFI 1611SR CTD data acquisition computer and bridge event tablet (and all shipboard computers) were set to UTC. The PST column in CESL and CELog were computer time ie UTC so -8hrs needed to be subtracted from the UTC event times. DECODR's "Clean Event Log" button checks the PST vs UTC and if they are the same, it subtracts -8hrs from the PST date/time.

Under the CSV tab, there is also an interactive utility that lets the user correct StartCast, AtDepth, EndCast dates-times in the casts.csv by adding or subtracting 8hrs.

Tweak: "Cruise Ave" O2s are selected by default in the [ CTD BTL to Sta.csv ] module since they are preferred over "Sta Corr" CTD O2s.

Hits: 755


Posted by on in Software

The new version of DECODR (v1610a) deals with duplicate stations when generating the database. It puts additional casts at the end of the csv. CalCOFI 1511OC had two stations that were done twice, for example.

Also addressed was a problem with the dynamic height deriver which relies on the SVA column being present.

Hits: 633


Posted by on in CESL

CESL1607 will generate a separate PDA csv data file if the PDA column is annotated then saved. A PDA summary csv may also be generated from the slog.csvs (CESL saved sample logs) after the cruise using DECODR1608 (or later) PDA to csv module - see DECODR1608 technical blog entry.

Hits: 1084
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