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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.


DECODR1412.exe Fixes and Prodo Note

Posted by on in DECODR

Fine tuned the nutrient datacodes for MDL handling.

Addressed some problems with the contour-csv-generation from CTD asc files.

Fixed chl ave blank, F, tau zeroing issue - array index glitch fixed, it was using blank for all fields.

Nutrient sta.csv update bug fixed - using new nutrient datacodes was causing an error resulting in "bak dir..." dialog repeatedly appearing.

Note: when a prodo station is not identified or saved as prodo by CESL, "P" footnotes are not added to the DEPTHFN column of the station csv. This results in the scintillation importer not recognizing the cast or depths as prodo bottles. This happened on sta 001 on 1411NH - "P"s were added to the 1411001.csv prodo bottles and the import was correct.

Hits: 1061

DECODR1412.EXE Chl Blank, F, Tau from user-entry working

Posted by on in DECODR

Two problems fixed:

Problem 1:  when updating .csv with CHL values - values placed in the boxen for Blank, F and Tau uses blank values for everything resulting in 0.00 in all fields for Chl in sta.csv files. Solution - F & Tau array elements were not index properly so Blank was used for all three values - fixed.

Problem 2: recurrent "no .bak directory" error message when trying to update sta.csvs for Nuts.  Solution: when there is an error, this is the default response even though the error may be the result of something else. Error descriptor has been updated to describe other problems.

Hits: 1438

DECODR1411n - Additional Nutrient Data Codes

Posted by on in DECODR

Standalone nutrient data codes (NDC) '4' or '9' still work for all PO4, Sil, NO2, & NO3. '4' will zero, '9' will blank all values at that depth. But in order to resolve individual nutrients data columns, additional data codes were added. These additional annotations also reside in NDC column 32 of the sta.csvs.

  • Phosphate
    • P4 - Phosphate-specific nutrient data code 'P4' will zero the phosphate value in data products. The phosphate measurement is retained in the sta.csv. A 'P4' NDC is automatically added if, during nutrient processing, the phosphate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • P9 - Phosphate-specific nutrient data code 'P9' will blank the value in data products, value is preserved in sta.csv.
  • Silicate
    • S4 - Silicate specific data code 'S4' will zero the silicate value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the silicate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • S9 - Silicate-specific nutrient data code 'S9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
  • Nitrite
    • O4 - Nitrite specific data code 'O4' will zero the nitrite value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the nitrite is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • O9 - Nitrite-specific nutrient data code 'O9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
  • Nitrate
    • T4 - Nitrate specific data code 'T4' will zero the nitrate value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the nitrate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • T9 - Nitrate-specific nutrient data code 'T9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
Hits: 1043

DECODR1411 Dickson Sample CSV includes pH Samples

Posted by on in DECODR

From CalCOFI 1411NH on, pH samples will be logged separately from DIC samples although the same flask type, same draw technique and storage containers are used. The DECODR Dickson csv sample log csv generator will now output two additional columns - pH_Btl1 & pH_Btl2. This csv sample log is used by the Dickson lab to index the DIC & pH samples during analysis. Bottle numbers for DIC and pH samples will populate the appropriate columns - ph_Btl1, pH_Btl2, DIC_Btl1, DIC_Btl2.

Hits: 1185

CESL pH vs DIC Station Samples

Posted by on in CESL

8 CalCOFI stations have 0 & 30m pH samples. On previous samples logs, these samples were labeled 'DIC' although they were drawn for pH analysis. CESL1411 resolves these pH stations, commenting the samples "PH". Although the sample bottles numbers are logged in the same column as DIC bottles (col 12), the comments field will contain "PH" or "PHx2". PH samples are drawn in the same way as DIC samples - same flask type, same draw technique. PH & DIC samples are collected and stored in the same seagoing bins so only the bottle number distinguishes the samples.

pH 0 & 30m Stations: 93.3 28.0, 90.0 120.0, 90.0 45.0, 90.0 37.0 , 90.0 28.0, 86.7 33.0, 83.3 42.0, 83.3 40.6

Hits: 1454
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