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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.



Posted by on in DECODR

DECODR1504 will use the new nutrient datacodes (P#;S#;O#;T#) when interpolating bottle values.
It will preserve the existing datacodes - if the nitrate datacodes are T4, the terpled nitrate datacode will be T4. Please note that, although the T4 datacode means to zero nitrate, the interpolated value will be calculated using observed nitrates so may be non-zero. Its datacode will be inherited from the 1st observed value datacode, so if T4, it would be zero in generated data products.
Nitrate is used for the example but this applies to phosphate silicate nitrite interpolations as well.

Hits: 1282

DECODR1503.exe Dynamic Height Array set to 5

Posted by on in DECODR

Odd problem cropped up when running the 200/500 Dynamic Height Extrapolater. First the array to parse the record was set to default which was 0 and resulted in an "infinite loop" error. In DECODR1503 it is hardwired at '5' when reading in the YYMM_DHt?.csv which is 5 columns wide.

Also - in order to calculate 200/500, the depths in the YYMM_DHt?.csv need to be deep to shallow. If they are inverse, the 200m dynamic height will miscalculate and so will the 200/500 extrapolation. Run the Invert Depth module under the CSV tab until a more streamline solution is implemented.

Hits: 1455

DECODR1502.exe LTER bottle data code = 9

Posted by on in DECODR

The new version of DECODR1502.exe 'DataCode Checker' module will "9" the LTER duplicate bottle oxygen datacode if it does not already have a "9", "6" or "4" AND there is a "L" in the DPTHNT column.

Hits: 1860

DECODR require salt data files not start with sta 999 sub

Posted by on in DECODR

When starting a PSal run, the initial sub is given a sta number of 999 since no station base file has been loaded yet. This causes the routine to skip subsequent values. I will fix PSal to not give initial subs readings a 999 designation but look for this issue by examining salt files when they do not run.

Hits: 1080

DECODR1502.exe MRK.Salt changed to CTD salt and extra sig fig

Posted by on in DECODR

The new version DECODR1502.exe - changed the label MRK SALT to CTD SALT - the source of the CTD salt value is the sta.csv. The option to use primary or secondary salt (right side of processing screen) does work. I ran it and got primary sta.csv salts in the CTD SALT (formerly MRK SALT) column. I added an extra sig fig so CTD salt is 33.xxxx but reduced the bottle-CTD salt to three sig figs ie 0.004 as per DMW's request.

Hits: 1180
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