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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.


DECODR1507 27 JUL 2015

Posted by on in DECODR

Simple change - in the contour-building module, when using the CTD asc files to build the contour csvs. If the primary oxygen is reading negative then the secondary oxygen sensor will be used. This was specific to 1507OC when the primary oxygen sensor failed on casts 4 & 5. It was replaced on cast 6.

Hits: 992

BtlVsCTD Update 06/26/2015

Posted by on in BtlVsCTD

New features - umol/Kg for bottle oxygen calculated when using IEH bottle data. IEHs do not include oxygen in umol/kg so it is calculated from bottle oxygen ml/l and CTD sigma-theta. Using IEH sigma-theta would be preferable but some IEHs do not have sigma-theta.

Algorithm used is the same as Seabird references: [µmole/Kg] = [ml/L] * 44660 / (sigma_theta(P=0,PoT,S) + 1000)

Also when bottle umol/Kg is not present but regression coefficients are available, cruise-corrected CTD primary & secondary oxygens in umol/Kg are calculated.

CTD.csvs were re-generated to include these values and pH.

Hits: 1177

CELogGPS Revisions & New Features

Posted by on in Software

CELog has been updated many times since it was created in 2005 to record CalCOFI (& LTER) cruise data-generating events. Here are some key features & modifications to the program:

  • CELog (2005) - Uses GPS date-time lat-lon from either MET or ship's GPS serial feed which is saved every 30secs to the data server by METCapture or GPSCapture (another SIO-CalCOFI authored Windows program).
  • CELogGPS (2006) - direct ingestion of the GPS string added by adding a GPS serial module to CELog = CELogGPS. Using a directly connected GPS feed, CELogGPS can parse and serve the GPS string to the data network. One workstation or tablet is configured this way and other eventlog workstations can ingest the currentpos.csv string. If a data network is not available, all versions can run independently if configured with their own GPS feed. GPS format is configured in the celoggps.cfg file.
  • Checkbox mode: this feature was added so the event log could "nest" observations. From a list of multiple choices defined by the events.txt (e.g. MMammalEvents.txt), an observation string could be appended with multiple selections from the list. This allowed the event string to be built from a variety of choices - such as whale sighted + blue whale or whale sighted + fin whale then include other annotations.
  • In 2015, CELogGPS was modified to work on a touchscreen tablet PC (ASUS Transformer T100TAF). Normally fed by txt files to customize the activities listed, some buttons are hard-coded for certain activities or group of activities. An activity is selected then repeated touches of the button will toggle the activity from "deployed" to "at depth" to "recovered" as appropriate. The Record Event button needs to be pressed to actually log the event.
Hits: 1283

CELogGPS: CalCOFI Event Log

Posted by on in CELogGPS

CELogGPS is a SIO-CalCOFI Windows program that records cruise events and activities timestamped with GPS date-time-lat-lon. Other notable events such as marine mammal-avifauna sightings, CUFES, or any data-generating activity may also be recorded. The GPS position can be ingested basically two ways:

  • On UNOLS vessels with MET, the MET (meterological system) string provides GPS data. A workstation is setup to run MetCapture, another SIO-CalCOFI program, that collects the MET data and appends event numbers when updated. METCapture saves the current MET string (with GPS date-time-lat-lon) to a file (currpos.csv) on the shipboard data network that all eventlogging workstations can harvest. Please review the METCapture documentation for more info. (Standard GPS input is acceptable; METCapture can log GPS instead of MET data or the GPS feed may be connected directly to the CELogGPS tablet serial port.)
  • On NOAA vessels, a USB GPS (current model: GlobalSat BU-353 USB GPS Receiver with SiRF Star III based Serial GPS receiver with WAAS/EGNOS support for enchance position accuracy) is attached directly to the CELogGPS tablet and provides the GPS data (currpos.csv) to the shipboard data server and other networked eventloggers. See the GPS settings section below for setup information.
Hits: 1500

gTool Nutrient Data Code Modifications

Posted by on in gTool

gTool modules 'makeMAT.m", "makeNutTab.m", "remakeMAT.m" and "makePlotBut.m" have been modified to accept individual nutrient data codes: P4DC for PO4; SIDC for SIL; N2DC for NO2; N3DC for NO3.

gTool's nutrient data table will display the new columns and allow the point-checker to change the data codes for each bottle nutrient. This will replace the combined data codes "NDC".

First cruise that will be processed with the additional data codes will be CalCOFi 1504NH.

Hits: 1666
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