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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.



Posted by on in DECODR

With the addition of the uM/Kg oxygen data columns added to the hydrographic and primary productivity data reports and web page data products in Jan 2013 (1301). The data products headers listing "STATION" were truncated as either "ST" or "S". This was a simple string parsing error that was fixed in version 1511W. No data were affected but "STATION" labeling in the headers were fixed on all affected files.

Hits: 1079


Posted by on in DECODR

FIXED - DECODR's DIC import module "Create DIC Database" module (under the Database tab):


The problem: the user used to be able to select all stations whether or not there were DIC's sampled or not and get a file with only DIC stations and depths listed.  DECODR was outputting every station depth in the resulting csv for the DIC stations, not just DIC depths.  DECODR1511V only outputs the sta.csv records with the DIC bottle column populated, then inserts the DIC.csv data into the output. Essentially merging the sta.csv bottle and CTD data record with DIC/TA/pH data.

Hits: 1010


Posted by on in DECODR

The latest tweaks of DECODR - version 1511U: when a standard observed level has a mistrip and there are no bottle samples, CESL gives the record a recind "5", meaning CTD-only data. In previous version of DECODR, when interpolated values were desired, interpolated bottle data would be added to this CTD-data-only record (recind 5) without changing the recind to "7".
In version 1511U, which can be used for cruises 1504+, records with recind "5" are treated the same as recind "6", as an extra "bottle". Recind 5 & 6 records are stored but not used in the interpolations but re-inserted into the output files. Note that the recind "7" record generated by the terple routine will be populated with CTD data.

Hits: 930


Posted by on in DECODR

Fixed: CTD2CSV Data Codes, right side options, will replace data codes for interpolated depths (recind 7; col 79 of sta.csv). The previous version would not replace existing data codes.

Hits: 1601


Posted by on in DECODR

Fixed: The Cruise_ID requested by Ed Weber is consistent now. Established by the first station, the database CRUISE_ID will not change.

Example: 2015-10-28-C-32OC for CalCOFI 1511OC, data collection started on 28 Oct 2015

Hits: 996
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