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SIO-CalCOFI Software Development, Fixes, Updates, Formats & Instructions.



Posted by on in DECODR

DECODR 0m ISL salt datacode SDC is hard-wired to "0" if the bottle salt column is not empty. Currently, there is no way to make it equal to the SDC of the surface bottle, which it mirrors.

Hits: 1064


Posted by on in DECODR

DECODR1608 has a new button on the MISC tab labeled “[Export PDA from SLog]”. Click the button and select all the sample logs files then [OK]. It will generate a “YYMM_PDAX.csv” in the LOGS subdir that includes:


CalCOFI 1607,93.3,26.7,32.95756,-117.30430,001,8,05,05,14.8,16.09,33.506,05,,

... Continue reading
Hits: 948


Posted by on in DECODR

New features:

  • Main menu, new tab: a prodo incubation start & stop dataentry button has been added as [Add Prodo Times] on the bottom of the main tab. I migrated the prodo editor from CODES to DECODR, allowing the editing of LAN & Civil Twilight and entry of Incubation Start and Stop times. This editor updates both the selected prd### base files and the YYMMcasts.csv.
  • Oxygens tab – Process O2s: Added a user-editable reagent volume box in the Process O2s data processing module. Previously set to 0.7, this value, loaded from the oxygen coefficients file (Q:\CODES\YYYY\YYMM\YYMMOxCoeff.txt), third line, can be changed before processing. Check the "Low Reagent Vol.= " box when a lower reagent volume calculation is warranted; if unchecked, 2.0ml reagent volume will be used when calculating oxygen concentration from auto-titrator data.
  • CIFT-like CSV export utility: when you select a csv or group of similarly-formatted csvs like sample-log.csvs (YYMM###SLog.csv), sta.csvs (YYMM###.csv) or CTD.csvs (YYMM_LLLLSSSS_###u or d.csv), you can select any group of columns and output the results to a new, combined csv. This may be used to export NCOG or DA data from the sample logs; export specific depth data for a cruise, like 10m nutrients; or export specific columns from the CTD.csvs.


  1. Nutrient terpling procedure was not using the new datacodes (separate datacodes for each nutrients) when calculating the interpolated value - fixed.
  2. When a (mistrip) recind 5 record inhabits the sta.csv, the CTD import routine will populate the record with CTD data but not bottle data columns.
  3. When a (mistrip) recind 5 record inhabits the sta.csv and the terple option is selected, the recind 5 record will be ignored so a recind 7 interpolated data record will be created. If the recind 5 record is at an OBS, an ISL record at the same depth will be created.
  4. Problems with bottle & CTD derived data in the recind 5 record being recalculated when terpling have been corrected. Data derived during the non-terple updating of sta.csv will be copied to the ISL from the OSL-recind-5.
    Fixes 2-4 should only affect the way DECODR handles recind 5 records. Recind 5 identifies a CTD-data only record.
Hits: 992


Posted by on in DECODR

Two updates:


Main tab: a prodo incubation start & stop data entry button has been added as [Add Prodo Times] on the bottom of the main screen. I migrated the prodo editor from CODES to DECODR, allowing the editing of LAN & Civil Twilight and entry of Incubation Start and Stop times. This editor updates both the selected prd### base files and the YYMMcasts.csv.


Oxygens tab – Process O2s: Added a user-editable reagent volume box in the Process O2s data processing module. Previously set to 0.7, this value, loaded from the oxygen coefficients file (Q:\CODES\YYYY\YYMM\YYMMOxCoeff.txt), third line, can be changed before processing. Check the box when a lower reagent volume calculation is warranted; if unchecked, 2.0ml reagent volume will be used when calculating oxygen concentration from auto-titrator data.

... Continue reading
Hits: 1092


Posted by on in DECODR

Newest feature: added a low volume coefficient toggle in the oxygen module. When 0.7ml of reagents are added instead of the traditional 2.0ml, the "Low Volume" box under Options should be checked. This affects the oxygen concentration calculation by increasing the sample volume: denominator V(reag) = 0.7 instead of 2.0.

O2  =     [V(samp) - V(blk!)] * N(thio) * 5.598 - DO(reag)
                         [V(bot) - V(reag)] / 1000.0

The reagent volume used is appended/printed on the last line of the output file.

The latest version of DECODR is not a major upgrade but version 1511W was updated to 1604 to reference the upcoming cruise. This version will work on cruises 1504 and onward.

Hits: 1118
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