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DECODR v1808

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There have been quite a few tweaks of the DECODR program since last entry. Here is a list of the main addition or changes:

UTC-PST issues - when using RV Sally Ride or any shipboard computer to collect CTD data, the .btl bottle closure times are in the computer's time. If the computer is UTC, the bottle closures imported into the sta.csvs will be UTC. Now BtlVsCTD will replace .btl times with CTD PST when CTD.csv data are imported into the sta.csvs. But on cruises, like 1711, where sta.csvs have been point checked, re-importing the CTD.csvs could negate point-checking corrections. DECODR has a new module in the CSV tab that will update the sta.csvs or staT.csvs with CTD PSTs without changing any other column.

Nutrients - multiple RMNS will be saved: previous versions, only the last RMNS run would be saved to the RMNS tabulation QC file. If additional RMNS runs were done between stations or samples in the same run, only the last one was saved. DECODR will now save and tabulate all RMNS runs.

Nutrients: The zeroing of values below the MDL for nitrite NO2 is working fine except that the ISL values still go in as actual calculated from csv data datacoded "0". Datacodes should follow suit and be "4" when there is an adjacent "4" - fixed. (11/06/2017)

Create New Directories - DECODR can now create all the directories required for a new cruise:

DECODR dir creation

DECODR derived values when terpling - DECODR was using CTD Temperature #1 to derive Sigma-theta, Potential Temp, SVA, DynHt, etc. If CTD T1 is bad, it was still using it - now DECODR will check the TDC (temperature data code) and use Temp#2 if Temp#1 is flagged bad or questionable (12/05/2017)

Fixed - When updating ctd data into NON-Terpled csv's, the bottles that have RecInd 5 for Mistrip's are being "ignored". Meaning the CTD data is not updating in the Ox1 and Ox2 columns for bottle data that have RecInd 5 and the old data remains. This problem has been fixed (12/06/2017)

Fixed - since DECODR1712b.exe, DECODR will populate all the derived bottle data using the CTD primary salt if bottle salt is missing.

Data Nullifier & ISL data remover - DECODR module in the CSV tab - [Sta.CSV Col Null] to add ISL-only & All Nuts options. Since DECODR1712c.exe
A new popup with "ISL Files" option checkbox is available so check-it to display the T.CSVs. Select the file(s) you want to change then OK. The next window will display all the columns in that file (be sure all the selected csvs are the same format ie same column headers). This module can be used to clear a column, add -99 to a column, add a datacode to column(s), and now, clear ISL nutrients. Check both boxes - ISLs Only and All Nuts - then click Replace Selected Column(s). It will blank the ISL nuts and datacode them "9". It also blanks the N:P column.

You can also check other data column boxes and if "ISLs only" is selected. It will change all the checked data's ISL fields.

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