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DECODR Missing Nutrient Column

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DECODR1705.exe addresses a problem seen on CalCOFI 1704SH where the nutrient data file was missing the NH4 column. The original routine expect there to be the expected number (and order) of nutrient columns: N+N NO2 PO4 Sil NH4 NO3(virtual). Runs of sta 32 - 38 were missing the NH4 channel so the 6th column was NO3, shifting the NO3 column into the NH4 column. DECODR1705 reads in the "METH" column headers, indexing the nutrients accordingly. Although the nutrient output file format is printed in a particular column order. The nutrient input file can have the nutrient columns in any order and DECODR1705 should parse them properly. This could use more testing but it appears to work when NH4 is missing or the data are "999".

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