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DECODR Datapath Change

Posted by on in DECODR
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DECODR has always expected the base cruise data-path to be Q:\CODES\YYYY\YYMM\ where Q: is the data drive, YYYY is the year, and YYMM is the year-month associated with the cruise ie 1701. The base cruise data-path and other settings are set in C:\DECODR\decodr.cfg (this path is hard-wired and has to be named exactly as shown).
This is our data acquistion directory structure used at-sea so all systems can contribute to the proper directories over the network. Since data-processing is done throughout the cruise for data-quality control, DECODR has been programmed to find data in these folders.

But since the data-path of completed cruises may be different once ashore, DECODR will now accept any data-path as long as "YYMM\" is the last part of the string ie "Q:\CODES\2010S\2013\1311\". As always, users should double-check the Current Data Path: displayed in DECODR is correct before running any module. Each modules add to the base data-path so the directory structure under the base data-path is fixed, for example using base data directory Q:\CODES\2017\1704\:

  • Salinities module adds "SALT\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\SALT\
  • Oxygens module adds "O2\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\O2\
  • Chlorophyll module adds "CHL\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\CHL\
  • Nutrients module adds "NUT\ ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\NUT\
  • Prodos module adds "PRODO\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\PRODO\

Other module file paths are:

  • CTD data under "CTD\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\CTD\
  • station and casts csvs under "CSV\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\CSV\
  • cruise eventlog under "EVENTS\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\EVENTS\
  • bottle sample logs (CESL) under "LOGS\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\LOGS\
  • contour maps files under "MAPS\"; ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\MAPS\
  • CTD .mrk & .hdr files under "MRK\"  ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\MRK\
  • Processing logs (modules run on all data files) under "PROCESS\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\PROCESS\
  • Legacy station cast description file under "STACST\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\STACST\
  • Legacy weather file under "WEATHER\" ie Q:\CODES\2017\1704\WEATHER\

Other support directories under the base data folder but not used directly by DECODR:

  • "0020" - obsolete IEH-data-processing subdir, remove on cruises after 2011; used for IEH data-processing on cruises earlier than Jan 2012
  • "Matlab" - current data-processing subdir for GTool, our Matlab data-quality control visualization tool
  • "NCOG" - support dir for NCOG samples
  • "Planning" - cruise planning and information files
  • "UWay" - underway data directory

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