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New Data Files

Updated or new data files additions to calcofi.com and new.data.calcofi.com.


2012 Introductions Online

Posted by on in New Data Files

The Introductions to the CalCOFI Data reports for all of 2012 are now online as individual files that can be found on the new data website.

Hits: 1107

CalCOFI 1407NH State of the Current Spatial Pattern Figures

Posted by on in New Data Files

The 4-Figure compilation of preliminary spatial pattern figures from the 2014-07NH cruise is now available.  This includes 0/500m Dynamic Height, 10m Salinity, 10m Temperature and 10m Chlorophyll.

Hits: 1131

CalCOFI Data Files Symbolic Links

Posted by on in New Data Files

The CalCOFI Hydrographic Database & Zooplankton Database are updated whenever new cruise data are finalized. The filenames for the downloadable database & daughter files contain the recent cruise name and date of the update. Since the filenames change often, download links to these files have to be updated in several locations & web pages. In order to minimize this effort & broken links, 'generic' symbolic links will be generated for new data files and their download links:

  • CalCOFI_Database_mdb.zip = latest version of the MS Access hydrographic database ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_mdb_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_csv.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database csv ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_csv_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_sql.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database sql dump ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_sql_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Database_xml.zip = latest version of the hydrographic database xml ie CalCOFI_Database_194903-201307_xml_12Sept2014.zip
  • CalCOFI_Zoop.zip = latest version of the zooplankton displacement volume database ie 195101-201307_Zoop.zip



Hits: 1060


Posted by on in New Data Files

Symbolic link created for CalCOFI DIC data file (CalCOFI_DICs.zip) = CalCOFI_DICs_200901-201307_12Sept2014.zip. This symbolic link will be updated when a new data file is created. Web page links will be the generic symbolic link URL:


Hits: 1155
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