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Posted by on in DECODR
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Newest feature: added a low volume coefficient toggle in the oxygen module. When 0.7ml of reagents are added instead of the traditional 2.0ml, the "Low Volume" box under Options should be checked. This affects the oxygen concentration calculation by increasing the sample volume: denominator V(reag) = 0.7 instead of 2.0.

O2  =     [V(samp) - V(blk!)] * N(thio) * 5.598 - DO(reag)
                         [V(bot) - V(reag)] / 1000.0

The reagent volume used is appended/printed on the last line of the output file.

The latest version of DECODR is not a major upgrade but version 1511W was updated to 1604 to reference the upcoming cruise. This version will work on cruises 1504 and onward.

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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd