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Posted by on in DECODR
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The latest tweaks of DECODR - version 1511U: when a standard observed level has a mistrip and there are no bottle samples, CESL gives the record a recind "5", meaning CTD-only data. In previous version of DECODR, when interpolated values were desired, interpolated bottle data would be added to this CTD-data-only record (recind 5) without changing the recind to "7".
In version 1511U, which can be used for cruises 1504+, records with recind "5" are treated the same as recind "6", as an extra "bottle". Recind 5 & 6 records are stored but not used in the interpolations but re-inserted into the output files. Note that the recind "7" record generated by the terple routine will be populated with CTD data.

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