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New DECODR cruise-referencing naming scheme

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DECODR and other programs developed by SIO-CalCOFI usually have a date-related version attached such as DECODR1509 (DECODR 2015 Sept). This may cause some confusion on which evolving version of DECODR to use to process different cruises. So starting with 2015 cruises (1501, 1504, 1507, 1511), DECODR (and otherSIO-CalCOFI programs) will be named after the cruise it's designed to process. If no changes happen between cruises (rare), the latest version will be renamed regardless. There will be a DECODR1504, DECODR1507, & DECODR1511.

So far only DECODR1501n has be labeled this way. Note - a single alpha character will denote revisions, "n" was used previously to specify "revised nutrient datacode format" so it was kept - next revision for CalCOFI 1501 data processing will be "DECODR1501o".

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