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BtlVsCTD 02Sep2015

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Added a new "Step 3" button to add Quality Codes to CTD.csv output (see CTD.csv data format web page) -

  • PrQ = pressure quality code;
  • T1Q & T2Q = primary & secondary temperature quality codes;
  • S1Q & S2Q = primary & secondary salinity quality codes;
  • Ox1Q & Ox2Q = primary & secondary oxygen sensor quality codes (these carry over to the umol/Kg oxygen values since they are derived from ml/L);
  • FlQ = fluorometer quality code;
  • ISUSQ = ISUS nitrate sensor quality code;
  • SigTheta1Q & SigTheta2 = T1S1 & T2S2 calculated sigma-theta densities
  • TransQ = Transmissometer quality code
  • pHQ = pH sensor quality code
  • SPARQ = Surface PAR quality code
  • PARQ = Remote PAR quality code

Codes - the data quality codes will follow the CalCOFI legacy codes

  • no code = good data
  • 8 = questionable data; bad calibration or bio-fouling
  • 9 = bad or no data; sensor or pump failure

These quality codes have been added to flag bad or questionable data collected by our Seabird 911+ CTD sensors. Sensor failure, bio-fouling, or bad calibrations can generate poor or bad data but may still be included in the data file.

Q Code Column Selector

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