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DECODR1508 05Aug2015

Posted by on in DECODR
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It came to my attention that salts can be miscalculated if the sample count in the header is wrong. If the last sample indicated by the sample count is not the end sub, the drift will be miscalculated. This was obvious when the bottle and CTD salts were merge by BtlVsCTD.

So there is a new module under the Salinity Tab that will read the selected H###02 files, count the number of samples which should be n-2. It will also check the header for start station and end station - basically it is a header checker. Nothing is done to the H###02 files but a YYMMHSaltCheck.txt file is created and tabulates the correctness or incorrectness of all the files processed. Additional features may be added to future versions.

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