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BtlVsCTD Update 06/26/2015

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New features - umol/Kg for bottle oxygen calculated when using IEH bottle data. IEHs do not include oxygen in umol/kg so it is calculated from bottle oxygen ml/l and CTD sigma-theta. Using IEH sigma-theta would be preferable but some IEHs do not have sigma-theta.

Algorithm used is the same as Seabird references: [µmole/Kg] = [ml/L] * 44660 / (sigma_theta(P=0,PoT,S) + 1000)

Also when bottle umol/Kg is not present but regression coefficients are available, cruise-corrected CTD primary & secondary oxygens in umol/Kg are calculated.

CTD.csvs were re-generated to include these values and pH.

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