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DECODR1411n - Additional Nutrient Data Codes

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Standalone nutrient data codes (NDC) '4' or '9' still work for all PO4, Sil, NO2, & NO3. '4' will zero, '9' will blank all values at that depth. But in order to resolve individual nutrients data columns, additional data codes were added. These additional annotations also reside in NDC column 32 of the sta.csvs.

  • Phosphate
    • P4 - Phosphate-specific nutrient data code 'P4' will zero the phosphate value in data products. The phosphate measurement is retained in the sta.csv. A 'P4' NDC is automatically added if, during nutrient processing, the phosphate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • P9 - Phosphate-specific nutrient data code 'P9' will blank the value in data products, value is preserved in sta.csv.
  • Silicate
    • S4 - Silicate specific data code 'S4' will zero the silicate value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the silicate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • S9 - Silicate-specific nutrient data code 'S9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
  • Nitrite
    • O4 - Nitrite specific data code 'O4' will zero the nitrite value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the nitrite is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • O9 - Nitrite-specific nutrient data code 'O9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.
  • Nitrate
    • T4 - Nitrate specific data code 'T4' will zero the nitrate value in data products; this is automatically done if, during nutrient processing, the nitrate is below the MDL and the zero checkbox is checked.
    • T9 - Nitrate-specific nutrient data code 'T9' will blank the value in data products. Original measurement will be retained in the sta.csv.

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