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CESL pH vs DIC Station Samples

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8 CalCOFI stations have 0 & 30m pH samples. On previous samples logs, these samples were labeled 'DIC' although they were drawn for pH analysis. CESL1411 resolves these pH stations, commenting the samples "PH". Although the sample bottles numbers are logged in the same column as DIC bottles (col 12), the comments field will contain "PH" or "PHx2". PH samples are drawn in the same way as DIC samples - same flask type, same draw technique. PH & DIC samples are collected and stored in the same seagoing bins so only the bottle number distinguishes the samples.

pH 0 & 30m Stations: 93.3 28.0, 90.0 120.0, 90.0 45.0, 90.0 37.0 , 90.0 28.0, 86.7 33.0, 83.3 42.0, 83.3 40.6

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