
 - CalCOFI 0911NH6 - 23 Nov 2009SIO RV New HorizonSan Diego to San Diego

CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0911NH CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 02/2018)
Download 0911NH CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0911NH FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T, S, & O2 Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4) 0.0011 0.0016
Oxygen (ml/L; dual Seabird SBE43) y = 1.0666x - 0.0296
R² = 0.9997

y = 1.0446x - 0.0288
R² = 0.9998

Oxygen (umol/Kg; dual Seabird SBE43) y = 1.0666x - 1.2901
R² = 0.9997
y = 1.0446x - 1.2586
R² = 0.9998
Single sensors
Nitrate - ISUS 4sec ave voltage vs Bottle Nitrate (Satlantic MBARI-ISUS v2) y = 28.387x -10.892
R² = 0.9921
Please note the ISUS had serious undetermined issues so many casts do not have ISUS estimated nitrate data.
Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 2.391x + 0.0382

R² = 0.7331

y = -2.6418x2 + 3.6471x - 0.025

R² = 0.7727

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Secondary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2 Secondary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
MBARI-ISUS Voltage vs Bottle NO3 Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a
General notes: 

CalCOFI 0911NM 6 - 23 Nov 2009
The fall 2009 CalCOFI started off smoothly and we remained ahead of station schedule until sailing into some high winds and large swells near San Nicolas Island. The weather continued to deteriorate until we made it back inshore on line 83. Just in time to head back out into more bad weather once again. At this point we were still on schedule, having to cancel the nets on a few stations. Not until approaching 77.55 did we have to cancel all operations due to another bout of increasing winds and swell. Despite all the bad weather, we managed to get all 75 CTD casts in our station plan.

SIO-CalCOFI's new (Aug 2009; "Walter") Seabird 911+ with 24-10L bottle, aluminum rosette was deployed on each CTD station. Standard sensor configuration consists of: 2-SBE 3plus Temperature, 2-SBE 4 Conductivity, 2-SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen plumbed in parallel with 2-3000rpm pumps. Additional sensors include Seapoint Fluorometer, Wetlabs C-Star 25cm Transmissometer (older versions of Seasave grouped Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlabs in the .con file; coefficients are correct), MBARI-ISUS v2 Nitrate sensor, Datasonics Altimeter, Biospherical QSP-200L PAR, SBE 18 pH. There was a notation re the altimeter cabling, having to switch cabling to accomodate the pH sensor.
There were no sensors changed during this cruise but the ISUS had persistent problems with substantial drop-outs. On the two 3500mm deep casts (sta 90.100 & 80.100), the ISUS, ISUS battery, PAR, & pH sensors were removed since they are not rated greater than 1000m. Note that JRW was off this cruise so MGS was primary CTD manager.

Cruise Track

Cast specific Notes from Console Ops:
Console Ops Cast Notes:

Cast 001 sta 93.3 36.7: 8 bottle prodo, 68m bottom. No issues noted.
Cast 002 sta 93.4 26.4: SCCOOS, 22m bottom, 4 bottles
Cast 003 sta 91.7 26.4: SCCOOS, 15m station, 3 depths, 4 bottles closed
Cast 004 sta 93.3 28.0: 20-bottle cast to 515m. Discovered the transmissometer and fluorometer channels were misconfigured in 001-004.con files. Corrected during processing.
Cast 005 sta 93.3 30.0: CTD winch all stop @243m depth. Smoke was coming from the winch. Engineers called to troubleshoot. Solenoid was making the brake stick and causing smoke & smell. They fixed it and we continued down to finish the cast (restarted ~2210; cast started @2129).
Cast 006 sta 93.3 35.0: 36m chl max; 2 nav files created; wire out lenght not reported & recorded until bottle #12 (85m)
Cast 007 sta 93.3 40.0: 54m chl max; 22 bottle cast to 515m (bottles for LTER at  55m & 10m)
Cast 008 sta 93.3 45.0: 22 bottle prodo station
Cast 009 sta 93.3 50.0: CTD got caught on the rim of the deck outside rail on deployment - sensors seem okay - 6'-8' rollers - got a bit rough
Cast 010 sta 93.3 55.0: deck unit not communication w/ GPS-NMEA. Met computer frozen. Switched the CTD GPS serial cable & Grant rebooted the MET computer. ISUS died @~255m then back on @325m
Cast 011 sta 93.3 60.0: 40m chl max, 30m mixed layer; rough seas, ship roll, volunteers green
Cast 012 sta 93.3 70.0: 21 bottle prodo cast
Cast 013 sta 93.3 80.0: ~48m chl max; rough seas, 6'-8'ft swell
Cast 014 sta 93.3 90.0: data archiving started early, around ~6m as it was returning to the surface
Cast 015 sta 93.3 100.0: 82m chl max, 60m mixed layer; ISUS dropout 150-200m downcast
Cast 016 sta 93.3 110.0: 22 bottle prodo cast, bottle #17 possible mistrip
Cast 017 sta 93.3 120.0: 100m chl max, 60m mixed layer; 22 bottle 515m cast, 2 extra surface bottles for LTER at surface
Cast 018 sta 90.0 120.0: end of Line 90; nothing noted
Cast 019 sta 90.0 110.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 60m, 54m mixed layer
Cast 020 sta 90.0 100.0: 85m chl max; 24 bottle prodo cast
Cast 021 sta 90.0 90.0: ISUS bad - last operator didn't charge the battery, low voltage? O2/Temp?salinity unstable between ~150-400m then became stable to 515m. Possibly real since its doing the same on the upcast at the same depths. Or possible loose cable or biofouling, will check post-cast.
Cast 022 sta 90.0 80.0: ISUS flat-lined 2x, will try new battery post-cast
Cast 023 sta 90.0 70.0: 21 bottle prodo cast; ISUS better but dropped out ~500-510m
Cast 024 sta 90.60: ISUS malfunctioning, a lot of dropouts
Cast 025 sta 90.0 53.0: ISUS okay until ~300m then no good
Cast 026 sta 90.0 45.0: cahl max 35m, 20m mixed layer; DIC station, ISUS peaking
Cast 027 sta 90.0 37.0: still having ISUS issues, spiking
Cast 028 sta 90.0 35.0: 308m bottom, 18 bottle prodo cast to 270m; no improvement on ISUS
Cast 029 sta 90.0 27 SCCOOS: 21m bottom, 4 bottle cast to 15m
Cast 030 sta 90.0 28.0: 50m cast, 7 bottles
Cast 031 sta 90.0 30.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 032 sta 88.5 30.1: SCCOOS 22m shallow station, 15m 4 bottle cast
cast 033 sta 86.8 32.5: SCCOOS 27m shallow station, 24m 5 bottle cast
Cast 034 sta 86.7 33.0: 59m shallow station, 9 bottles (2 dup depths 10m & 0m)
Cast 035 sta 85.4 35.8 SCCOOS: bottle #1 did not close so sent it back down to 20m & tripped bottle #6
Cast 036 sta 86.7 35.0: 23-bottle prodo station, bottle #23 mistrip; DIC station
Cast 037 sta 86.7 40.0: 24-bottle Santa Monica Basin station, screwed up & tripped bottle #3 50m deeper than planned, at 680m should have been 630m
Cast 038 sta 86.7 45.0: ISUS good! on downcast
Cast 039 sta 86.7 50.0: San Nicolas Island station 81m bottom; 10 bottle cast to 70m
Cast 040 sta 86.7 55.0: big seas - 10'-15', winds 20-30kts; 21 bottle prodo cast
Cast 041 sta 86.7 60.0: calmer but big rolls; 24kt winds
Cast 042 sta 86.7 70.0: grabbed wrong cast sheet but caught it @87m, depths adjusted for Type I, 22-bottles tripped
Cast 043 sta 86.7 80.0: 21 bottle cast ti 516m; chl max 60m, 50m mixed layer
Cast 044 sta 86.7 90.0: 23 bottle prodo cast to 517m; two markers @#9, fixed before backup
Cast 045 sta 86.7 100.0: nothing noted but ISUS still problematic
Cast 046 sta 86.7 110.0: nothing noted on 21 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 047 sta 83.3 110.0: chl max 66-100m, 64m mixed layer; 3-10m bottles tripped for LTER, all 24 bottle closed
Cast 048 sta 83.3 100.0: ~75m chl max, ~60m mixed layer, 28m secchi; 23 bottle prodo cast
Cast 049 sta 83.3 90.0: nothing noted on 21 bottle cast to 518m
Cast 050 sta 83.3 80.0: nothing noted; ISUS working but 3 10m spikes on downcast
Cast 051 sta 83.3 70.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; 30m chl max, 20m mixed layer
Cast 052 sta 83.3 60.0: bottle #23 only partially closed but sample taken since it wasnt leaking (surface); drifter #93582 deployed; 23 bottle prodo station
Cast 053 sta 83.3 55.0: 22 bottle cast to 516m, CTDatdepth event hit at ~50m on upcast (late); drifters #93583 & #93584 deployed
Cast 054 sta 83.3 51.0: 103m shallow station; 11 bottles
Cast 055 sta 83.3 42.0: 178m bottom, 14 bottle cast to 160m; chl max 30m, mixed layer 20m; GO/deck unit alarm beeping occasionally
Cast 056 sta 83.3 40.6: 36m bottom, 6 bottle station; chl max 20m
Cast 057 sta 83.3 39.4 SCCOOS: 22m bottom, 5 bottles to 17m
Cast 058 sta 81.7 43.5: SCCOOS, 21m bottom, 4 bottle cast to 16m
Cast 059 sta 81.8 46.9: Santa Barbara Basin station, DIC and 24 bottle prodo station
Cast 060 sta 80.0 51.0: 78m bottom, 9 bottle cast to 65m; rough seas - sets of big rollers ~8'
Cast 061 sta 80.0 55.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 062 sta 80.0 60.0: kind of rough, going down slow on winch, wire angle tending inboard; primary salinity sensor problem ~50-40m upcast
Cast 063 sta 80.0 70.0: 24 bottle prodo cast - 3 surface bottles tripped, 2 for LTER; big frequent rollers; broad chl max 15-60m, mixed layer 70m, secchi 9m
Cast 064 sta 80.0 80.0: chl max is a straight line from 40-75m; bottle #1 bottom lid didn't fully close
Cast 065 sta 80.0 90.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 066 sta 80.0 100.0: 88m chl max, 70m mixed layer; 3500m cast here instead of 80.90 or 80.80; multiple problems/spikes, cast restarted at 440m on upcast because of bottle trip non-confirmations, rebooting & restarting data acquisition seemed to fix the problem. Many notes: unsupported moded error and deck unit error led @3100m downcast; O2 sensor had some deep spikes ~2800m & 3000m downcast; @2600m upcast deck unit GO fire light blinked; more spikes @2550m & 2200m upcast; 800-2400lbs tension on wire; more deck unit underwater unit error beeps on way up; more 3300m O2 & salinity spikes upcast; wire tension spiking to 3000lbs on upcast - rough cast. Hit fire 2x at 440m in Seasave, pressed fire on deck unit 1x still no confirmation, system & data acquisition restarted - Cast 066A downcast/upcast 066B, upcast from 440m; 3 "ghost' bottles tripped to get back to #4
Cast 067 sta 76.7 100.0: 45m chl max, 45m mixed layre, 22m secchi, 22 bottle prodo cast
Cast 068 sta 76.7 90.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 069 sta 76.7 80.0: 23 bottle cast to 515m, 3 LTER dups at 85m
Cast 070 sta 76.7 70.0: 22 bottle prodo cast, 60m mixed layer, chl max 20-60m
Cast 071 sta 76.7 60.0: pretty rough again, 20 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 072 sta 76.7 55.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 073 sta 76.7 51.0: 18 bottle cast to 230m (altimeter reads 8m off bottom so bottom was ~240m not 264m - shoaling?)
Cast 074 sta 76.7 49.0: 66m bottom, 9 bottle cast to 60m (altimeter reading ~4.2m off bottom); bottom of bottle #8 didn't close completely
Cast 075 sta 80.0 50.5 SCCOOS: 25m bottom, 5 bottle cast to 17m (2 10m bottles).

JRW 02/06/2018


CalCOFI 0911NM 6 - 23 Nov 2009
The fall 2009 CalCOFI started off smoothly and we remained ahead of station schedule until sailing into some high winds and large swells near San Nicolas Island. The weather continued to deteriorate until we made it back inshore on line 83. Just in time to head back out into more bad weather once again. At this point we were still on schedule, having to cancel the nets on a few stations. Not until approaching 77.55 did we have to cancel all operations due to another bout of increasing winds and swell. Despite all the bad weather, we managed to get all CTD casts in our station plan. Here is what the preliminary hydrographic data are showing us:
The 100 meter temperature anomaly shows a mild El Nino in the inshore counter current (+.8 ºC over the 50 year mean). There are two pulses of positive temperature anomalies in deeper 300 meter water. The first one is inshore near the Channel Islands. Higher anomalies are seen in the deeper waters offshore around station 80, through all the CalCOFI lines possibly due to warm core eddies from the gyre. The surface temperatures, however, show cooler temperatures compared to the 50 year mean, with only slight inshore warming north of Catalina Island, between lines 87 and 90. The 10 meter surface salinities throughout the pattern are mostly lower than the 50 year mean, with a high around the northwest corner on stations 80.90 and 77.90, possibly due to gyre waters. Ten meter chlorophyll has been low throughout the cruise, increasing on line 77 on the last four inshore stations that we almost missed due to bad weather.
Halobates was collected in several manta tows in the northwest corner of the pattern. These ocean insects are usually only seen during El Nino years.
Marine mammal detections, both visual and acoustic, were reduced during this cruise compared to past cruises, primarily because of rough weather. Out of 37 cetacean sightings three species of baleen whales, five species of dolphins, one species of porpoise and two species of pinnipeds were identified. No sperm whales were positively identified. Confirmation of acoustically detected species was also reduced because of poor visibility due to weather.
The number of acoustic detections by species includes: (total of 69 marine mammal detections)
Common dolphins (Delphinus spp.): 9
Unidentified dolphins: 39
Possible Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): 1
Possible Blue whale (Balenoptera musculus): 1
Possible Blue or Fin (Balenoptera pysalyus) whales: 10
Possible Humpback whale (Megaptera novaengliae): 1
Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus): 1
Possible Sperm whale: 7
Mostly due to the help of our fantastic trio of volunteers and having more personnel on each watch, did we successfully pull off many rough CTD deployments. Not to mention the superior driving skills of the captain and mates on board this cruise and our seasoned winch operators landing the CTD effortlessly. I also cannot forget to mention the efforts of the cooks, working hard no matter what kind of weather to make sure we were fed superb meals even through crashing dinnerware on multiple occasions. Our appreciation sees no bounds. My thanks goes out to everyone for pulling off a successful cruise.
Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, Chief Scientist

Clickable Station Data Map
This map may not reflect the actual cruise track and stations completed.

77.49 77.51 77.55 77.60 77.70 77.80 77.90 77.100 80.100 80.90 80.80 80.70 80.60 80.55 80.51 80.50.5 81.8 46.9 81.7 43.5 83 40.6 83.3 39.4 86.8 32.5 85.4 30.8 83.42 83.51 83.55 83.60 83.70 83.80 83.90 83.100 83.110 87.110 87.100 87.90 87.80 87.70 87.60 87.55 87.50 87.45 87.40 87.35 87.33 88.5 30.1 90.27.7 91.7 26.7 90.28 90.30 90.35 90.37 90.45 90.53 90.60 90.70 90.80 90.90 90.100 90.110 90.120 93.120 93.110 93.100 93.90 93.80 93.70 93.60 93.55 93.50 93.45 93.40 93.35 93.30 93.28 93.26.7 93.4 26.4


 0911NH Underway Data Processing Notes

There are two FL columns in the Raw Data one is bogus.  Also over half the data was collected with a flow rate >2.5 L/min this is bad.  From SBE Technical Support :

Doubling the flow rate from what we recommend will have at least one main problem. This flow rate will probably be too high for the conductivity cell and overtime you can see a degradation of the conductivity readings due to this flow rate. What can happen is that the high flow rate may slowly remove the platinum on the electrode within the conductivity cell, especially in areas with a lots of debris and particulate in the water. This will change the area of the conductivity cell which can cause the readings to be high of correct. I am unsure how long this process would take but it is something we have seen before. I really suggest using the recommended flow rate for this instrument.

Data correlation is pretty bad.  For salt and ChlA.  I culled all salt less than 32.97 to remove some dropouts but BTL agreement is still very poor.  I am debating weather or not to even publish (R² = 0.14).  There are a few -99s that I deleted from the graphs but they are still in the data.  Chlorophyll isn't much better (R²=0.19)  if I do publish I'll color the data above and below 6.7mg/L. Temp came in at R²=0.6406; not great.  Even if I remove the bad flow rate data the correlation does not improve, it in fact gets worse.  You can see the data in 0911NH_CTDvsUnderway.xlsx. 

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