NOAA Ship: NOAA Ship David Starr Jordan

Cruise Number: DS-09-01
Cruise Dates: March 7 - 24, 2009
Cruise Title: CalCOFI Survey.
Study Area: US/Mexican border to Avila Beach, CA out to 400 nautical miles.


  • Ship loading and gear preparation: 02 - 05 MAR.
  • Leg 1: 07 MAR - Station 93.3/26.7; 24 MAR - Arrive San Francisco, CA
  • The ship will offload scientific gear in San Francisco, CA.

CalCOFI 0903JD (last voyage for DSJ) CTD Data Processing Notes

Bottle NO3s drifted up and were questionable until a mid-cruise fix. The data required a baseline shift. ISUS showed the bottle data had a distinct shift-drift over time. See pdf figures.

CTD Sensor Voltages

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V2 Alt
V4 O2


4/21 MGS -  replaced metadata.zip files with files from cappuccino:\CTD_Data\2009\0903\0Finalredo\db this "finalredo" folder has oither files e.g., csv that appear to be more current. not sure what to do.

CTD Processing Summary CalCOFI 0903JD CTD Final Data (reprocessed/reformatted 08/2018)
Download 0903JD CTD raw cast files zipped Download 0903JD FinalQC CTD + bottle data
General CTD Notes - data acquisition cast notes, logistics, processing notes are listed below
CTD sensor corrections derived by comparing 4 secs of CTD sensor data (prior to bottle closure) to bottle samples
Dual T & S Primary Sensor Secondary Sensor
Temperature, dual SBE3 No offset or correction No offset or correction
Salinity offset (bottle - CTD salinity; > 350m only; Seabird SBE4) 0.0018 -0.0172
Single sensors - note CalCOFI Cruises 0903JD and earlier deployed one CTD O2 sensor
Oxygen (ml/L; single Seabird SBE43) y = 1.0475x ‐ 0.0829
R² = 0.9997
y = 1.0475x ‐ 3.605
R² = 0.9997
Nitrate - ISUS 4sec ave voltage vs Bottle Nitrate (Satlantic MBARI-ISUS v2) y = 27.778x -11.85
R² = 0.9805
Fluorometer - linear & polynomial regressions

y = 5.3458x - 0.2113

R² = 0.7388

y = 1.291x2 + 3.9588x - 0.0852

R² = 0.7647

Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
Primary CTD O2 Sensor vs Bottle O2
MBARI-ISUS Voltage vs Bottle NO3 Seapoint Fluorometer Voltage vs Chlorophyll-a

General notes: Station Pattern & Cruise Track

CalCOFI 0903JD March 7 - 24 2009, San Diego to San Francisco

Cruise and CTD Data Processing Notes

CalCOFI 0903JD was CalCOFI's last cruise on NOAA RV David Starr Jordan since the ship will be decommissioned before our next winter cruise. (CalCOFI will sail on RV Ocean Starr, Staubert Marine's refurbished/retrofitted David Starr Jordan in July 2012).
RV Jordan was loaded at MArFac. San Diego March 5th - 6th & offloaded in San Francisco March 24th.

Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#042206), and O2 sensor (#431075), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#2533), Conductivity (#357) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-479DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v1 (#111); no surface PAR was installed.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=Alt; V3=ISUS; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=open; V7-open)

Voltage Sensor
V0 Trans
V1 Fluor
V2 Alt
V4 O2
Seabird 911+ configuration:
Primary Temperature (#1324), Conductivity (#042206), and O2 sensor (#431075), pumped (#55060); Secondary Temperature (#2533), Conductivity (#357) pumped (#52236); Wetlabs (CST-479DR) 25cm transmissometer (mislabeled Chelsea/Seatech in con); Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer (SCF2483 @10x); Benthos/Datasonics Altimeter (#46604); MBARI-ISUS v1 (#111); no surface PAR was installed.
(Freq0=T0; Freq1=C0; Freq2=Pr; Freq3=T1; Freq4=C1; V0=Trans; V1=Fl; V2=Alt; V3=ISUS; V4=O21; V5=open; V6=open; V7-open)

We completed 63 standard stations and 8 SCCOOS stations before transiting north to offload in San Francisco. The last three stations on Line 76.7 (77) were dropped due to rough weather and lack of ship time: 76.7 55.0, 76.7 51.0, 76.7 49.0; SCCOOS sta 88.5 30.1 was also dropped due to lack of ship time.
Typical Spring stations north of line 76.7 (77) were occupied by FV Frosti which sailed from San Francisco 16 Apr to San Diego 09 May (see DEPM 0903FR for more info). Standard CalCOFI seawater analyses were performed on all depth sampled. The Jordan tied up in San Francisco and was offloaded onto trucks for equipment transport back to San Diego.

CalCOFI 0903JD CTD Data Processing & Console Ops Notes

Bottle NO3s drifted up and were questionable until a mid-cruise fix. The data required a baseline shift. ISUS showed the bottle data had a distinct shift-drift over time. See pdf figures.

Removed salt fliers on both primary & secondary comparisons.

No deep CTD casts (>515m) were performed this cruise since RV David Starr Jordan does not have enough winch wire

Console Ops Cast Notes:

Cast 001 Sta 93.3 26.7: 9 bottle cast to 65m, 70m bottom; 10m chl max
Cast 002 SCCOOS Sta 93.4 26.4: 4 bottle cast to 15m, 18m bottom
Cast 003 SCCOOS Sta 91.7 26.4: 5 bottle cast to 16m, 20m bottom
Cast 004 Sta 93.3 28.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; 22m chl max
Cast 005 Sta 93.3 30.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; Knudsen not working, bottom depth uncertain ~850m; bottle #13 mistripped; 28m chl max
Cast 006 Sta 93.3 35.0: 21 bottle prodo cast to 515m; 34m chl max
Cast 007 Sta 93.3 40.0: 21 bottle to 515m; 42m chl max
Cast 008 Sta 93.3 45.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 18m
Cast 009 Sta 93.3 50.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 50m
Cast 010 Sta 93.3 55.0: 22 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 45m
Cast 011 Sta 93.3 60.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 40m
Cast 012 Sta 93.3 70.0: 21 bottle (late) prodo cast to 515m; chl max 45m; 40m mixed layer; stopped ~2nm short to help with time
Cast 013 Sta 93.3 80.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 35m; 28m mixed layer; unsupported modem message noticed at bottle #7 closure
Cast 014 Sta 93.3 90.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 65m; 50m mixed layer; moderate rollers, some wire angle; missed marker on #16, had to go back down - yo-yo'd
Cast 015 Sta 93.3 100.0: 22 bottle prodo cast to 522m; chl max 77m; 30m/min to 100m, 40m/min to 515m; blue water, grey skies; 44m mixed layer, 25m secchi
Cast 016 Sta 93.3 110.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 80m; 60m mixed layer
Cast 017 Sta 93.3 120.0: 22 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 100m; 63m mixed layer; 2 extra LTER surface bottles closed
Cast 018 Sta 90.0 120.0: 22 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 72m; 66m mixed layer; 2 extra LTER surface bottles closed
Cast 019 Sta 90.0 110.0: 22 bottle prodo cast to 515m; chl max 94m; 90m mixed layer; 35m secchi
Cast 020 Sta 90.0 100.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 80m; 40m mixed layer
Cast 021 Sta 90.0 90.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 65m
Cast 022 Sta 90.0 80.0: 22 bottle (early) prodo cast to 515m; chl max 45m; 19m secchi
Cast 023 Sta 90.0 70.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 40m; 46m mixed layer
Cast 024 Sta 90.0 60.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 50m; 50m mixed layer; bottle #2 bottom cap leaking; bottle #12 bottom valve broken
Cast 025 Sta 90.0 53.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; weird firing sequence (1,2,8,4,5...) onscreen; extra marker at #12; sampling looked fine
Cast 026 Sta 90.0 45.0: 22 bottle (early) prodo cast to 515m; chl max 19m, 16m mixed layer
Cast 027 Sta 90.0 37.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 24m, 7m mixed layer
Cast 028 SCCOOS Sta 90.0 27.7: 6 bottle cast to 35m, 36m bottom(!)
Cast 029 Sta 90.0 28.0: 8 bottle cast to 60m; 65m bottom; chl max 20m
Cast 030 Sta 90.0 30.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 25m
Cast 031 Sta 90.0 35.0: 18 bottle cast to 318m; 350m bottom variable; chl max 30m;
Cast 032 SCCOOS Sta 86.8 32.5: 5 bottle cast to 20m
Cast 033 Sta 86.7 33.0: 9 bottle prodo cast to 50m; 54m bottom; chl max 25m, 20m mixed layer, 11m secchi; upcast different than downcast
Cast 034 Sta SCCOOS 85.4 35.8: 7 bottle cast to 30m; 36m bottom; 15m chl max
Cast 035 Sta 86.7 35.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 10m
Cast 036 Sta 86.7 40.0: Santa Monica Basin 24 bottle 715m cast; bottom 740-720m; 2m chl max; bottle #24 trigger stuck but popped at surface
Cast 037 Sta 86.7 45.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; big wire angle; Knudsen bottom depth not working; mislabeled as cast 036 (last stations) - fixed
Cast 038 Sta 86.7 50.0: San Nicolas Is sta, 10 bottles to 70m, 72m bottom
Cast 039 Sta 86.7 55.0: 22 bottle prodo cast to 515m; sunny windy rough - 30m/min to 100m then 40m/min to 515m; 35m chl max, 50m mixed layer, 13m secchi
Cast 040 Sta 86.7 60.0: 21 bottle 515m cast, DIC station; surface salinity ~32.99; sunny windy choppy
Cast 041 Sta 86.7 70.0: 22 bottle cast to 515m; bottle mistakenly tripped at ~350m, bottle #4, only salt sample drawn
Cast 042 Sta 86.7 80.0: 21 bottle 515m cast
Cast 043 Sta 86.7 90.0: 24 bottle prodo cast to 515m; surface bottle closed using a boat hook, data acquisition stopped at seawater surface; chl max 85m
Cast 044 Sta 86.7 100.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; trigger #24 replaced; chl max 72m
Cast 045 Sta 86.7 110.0: 24 bottle cast to 515m; 3 extra LTER surface bottles closed + 10m bottle; chl max 44m, 14m mixed layer
Cast 046 Sta 83.3 110.0: 23 bottle cast to 515m; 3 extra LTER surface bottles closed + 10m bottle; chl max ~40m; Happy St. Patty's Day
Cast 047 Sta 83.3 100.0: 22 bottle prodo cast to 515m; big swells, going down slow 30-40m/min; 55m chl max, 20m mixed layer, 21m secchi
Cast 048 Sta 83.3 90.0: 21 bottle 515m cast; 48m chl max
Cast 049 Sta 83.3 80.0: 21 bottle 515m cast; big swells - changing wire angles; bottle #17 mistrip; 80m mixed layer
Cast 050 Sta 83.3 70.0: 22 bottle early prodo cast to 515m
Cast 051 Sta 83.3 60.0: 22 bottle 515m cast; extra surface bottle for O2 test case
Cast 052 Sta 83.3 55.0: 21 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 16m, 10m mixed layer; bottle #1 bottom not closed all the way; unsupported modem message recorded ~bottle #3
Cast 053 Sta 83.3 51.0: 10 bottle cast to 70m; chl max ~2m; altimeter read ~10m at terminal depth
Cast 054 Sta SCCOOS 83.3 39.4: 5 bottle cast to 15m, 17m bottom; Type I
Cast 055 Sta 83.3 40.6: 7 bottle cast to 27m; 31m bottom
Cast 056 Sta 83.3 42.0: 11 bottle prodo cast to 110m, 115m bottom; chl max 19m, 5m mixed layer
Cast 057 Sta SCCOOS 81.7 43.5: rather deep 35m SCCOOS cast, 7 bottles; 20m chl max, 35m bottom
Cast 058 Sta 81.8 46.9: Santa Barbara Basin+DIC station, 24 bottle cast; chl max 10m; calm gree grey skies but warm
Cast 059 Sta SCCOOS 80.0 50.5: 5 bottle cast to 20m, 26m bottom
Cast 060 Sta 80.0 51.0: 9 bottle cast to 65m
Cast 061 Sta 80.0 55.0: 21 bottle cast to 518m; big swells, hard to hit target depths; chl max ~10-20m
Cast 062 Sta 80.0 60.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m
Cast 063 Sta 80.0 70.0: 21 bottle cast to 521m; 175-250m O2 & NO3 feature; rough seas!; post-cast note: bottle #17 mistripped again due to bent upper ring stancion next to #17 - temporary solution, longer lanyard loop
Cast 064 Sta 80.0 80.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max ~60m
Cast 065 Sta 80.0 90.0: 20 bottle cast to 517m; chl max ~82m
Cast 066 Sta 80.0 100.0: 21 bottle early bottle cast; Type II, 50m chl max, 45m mixed layer, 26m secchi
Cast 067 Sta 76.7 100.0: 22 bottle cast to 515m; sunny, relatively calm; 55m chl max
Cast 068 Sta 76.7 90.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max 50m
Cast 069 Sta 76.7 80.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; chl max ~50m; rainy night; probable mistrip bottle #6 - O2 draw temp too high
Cast 070 Sta 76.7 70.0: 22 bottle early prodo cast; pretty big rollers - going down slow; Dalh's porpoises on upcast
Cast 071 Sta 76.7 60.0: 20 bottle cast to 515m; VERY marginal conditions, 30-50m winch speed - Joao on winch; 30+kt winds with heavy rolls; chl max 22m, mixed layer 20m; NMEA light intermittent ~bottles #5-6
Stations 76.7 55.0, 51.0 & 49.0 cancelled - heading to San Francisco to offload

JRW 08/06/2018


2009 CalCOFI & Sardine Survey

(Fish Egg Images & Links Courtesy of Fisheries Research Division, SWFSC-NOAA)

David Starr Jordan Sardine Egg Counts 

0903 JD Sardine Eggs small

David Starr Jordan Anchovy Egg Counts

0903 JD Anchovy Eggs Small

0903 Proposed Pattern

 0903 JD Pattern

Distribution Maps and Biomass Surveys


CalCOFI Cruise 0903JD Marine Mammal Survey Summary
Lisa Munger, Greg Campbell, Andrea Havron, Dominique Camacho, and John Hildebrand (PI)
Two trained marine mammal observers were posted on the flying bridge of the David Starr Jordan (JD) to scan for cetaceans using handheld binoculars (7 power and 18 power), stand-mounted “big-eyes” (25 power binoculars), and naked eye. Visual observations were conducted during daylight hours while the ship was underway steaming at approximately 10 kn between stations. Opportunistic sighting data were also recorded while the ship was on station or occasionally during inclement weather/sea state (Beaufort 6 and above).
Sighting conditions were generally good to excellent nearshore but fair to poor offshore, with marginal conditions (Beaufort 5+) on over half the cruise, and sea state or weather leading to discontinuation of survey effort on five of the cruise days. Survey effort was curtailed in Beaufort 6+ between 83.100 and 83.90 on 3/17/09, and again the following day (3/18/09) between 83.70 and 83.60. Fog prohibited surveys the morning and evening of 3/19/09 during the transit from line 83 to line 80. Survey effort ceased on 3/21/09 at station 77.90 and did not resume, as Beaufort 7+ conditions prevailed for the remainder of the cruise.
Sightings are summarized in Table 1 and displayed in Figure 1. Species diversity was low compared to other cruises/seasons, with Dall’s porpoise (Phocoena dalli) sightings outnumbering sightings of any other species by about four to one (Table 1). The highest diversity was observed inshore along the southern lines (87 to 93), and included fin and grey whales as well as odontocetes (Figure 1).  The majority of offshore sightings were Dall’s porpoise, occurring on every line except the southernmost (line 93); a few dolphin sightings (common, Pacific white-sided, and unidentified), and one unidentified large whale were also observed offshore.
During daylight transits, a six-element hydrophone array was towed at 200 m for recording odontocete clicks and whistles from 3 to 250 kHz. At 1-2 nmi from each daylight station, an omnidirectional Navy sonobuoy was deployed to record baleen whale and low-frequency odontocete sounds, e.g. whistles, within 5 Hz to 22 kHz bandwidth.
Delphinid clicks and whistles were detected on the towed array on lines 93, 90, and the inshore portion of line 87 (Figure 2). Species sighted during acoustic detections included common and bottlenose dolphins (Delphinus sp. and Tursiops truncatus). Array recordings are pending review for Dall’s porpoise clicks, which are at frequencies above the real-time monitoring capabilities of the software currently in use.
During sonobuoy deployments, humpback whales were detected at several offshore stations on lines 80 through 93 (Figure 3). Fin whale calls were detected on one sonobuoy near the coast on line 87, corresponding to fin whale sighting locations (see Figure 1). Dolphin whistles were detected on three inshore sonobuoys (coastal and southern Channel Islands), and on two offshore sonobuoys on line 93. Sperm whale clicks were detected on one sonobuoy near the shelf break on line 77.
Table 1. Summary of cetacean sightings, CC0903JD. 
Species Code
Species Name
Total # Sightings
Total # individuals
Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis)
Short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis)
Common dolphin (Delphinus sp.)
Grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Dall’s porpoise (Phocoena dalli)
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Unidentified dolphin
Unidentified large whale
All species


Figure 1. Cetacean sightings, CC0903JD.

Figure 2. Towed array deployments (yellow line segments) and acoustic detections from 3 to 96 kHz, CC0903JD.

Figure 3. Sonobuoy deployments and acoustic detections below 22 kHz, CC0903JD. Mn=humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), Pm=sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)

CalCOFI 0903JD: March 7 - 24 2009 on NOAA RV David Starr Jordan

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